Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Message From the Universe: Understanding the Power of Your Thoughts

"There are some folks who think that life isn't fair, and to them I say, "Touché!" 
Obviously, they see themselves as unlimited Beings of Light for whom all things are possible. They recognize that their thoughts become things, giving rise not only to dreams, but to worlds. And they appreciate that their very existence in time and space proves that they're loved beyond imagination. 
Yes, these are the folks who understand that with dominion over all things, the cards of life are indeed stacked in their favor. 
N'est-ce pas?
The Universe"
There is no limit to your power of visualization. You can decide what you want to do in your life, as it is your life anyways. You can change the perception of yourself by realizing how special you are. You have talents and it is important to share it with the world. Your thoughts are becoming things every day and accompanying your dreams with actions, you are ready to take over the world. I am aware that fear will sometimes take over your psyche and stop you on your tracks but you can't be afraid. You can't be stopping yourself from reaching your dreams. They are yours, you need to protect them at all cost. No one else would want to make that happen, so start taking action today.
Your life will change as you start taking the first step to accomplishing greatness. You will achieve everything you put your mind into, so always learn to keep your vision clear. If any negative thought enters your mind, brush it off with positive thoughts, as it takes a whole lot of negativity to affect your productivity. As you built habit to accept only peaceful and positive thoughts, you will train your subconscious mind to form a new bridge between both minds which in return, will create an incentive to achieve more in life, especially financial success, if that is a priority to you,. Patience is needed though, so as you train everything else in life, do not forget to train your patience skills as well. Let me tell you, it will be all worth it.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
Free Consultation: 301-325-1550
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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blue Moon: How to Build A Strong Mind In A Strong Body?

No lifter worth his weight in iron thinks his workouts are for the benefit of - or fuelled by - just his body. You know that with each rep, you're training your muscle and your mind to be strong and powerful, and that you use both to achieve your desired results.
It was probably a combination of the two that motivated you to start working out in the first place. Setting a goal to be physically strong and fit usually comes from a desire not to feel the opposite mentally. Perhaps you made up your mind a long time ago that you never (or never again) wanted to feel unable to accomplish something. You found a healthy way to achieve greater control over your life and how you feel, and you started working both mind and body. Working out became a way of - and a way of coping with - life.
Yet while exercise can generally help you beat the blues and stave off negative feelings, it "doesn't guarantee that everything in one's life will run smoothly," says Kate Hays, a Toronto-based psychologist who practises sports psychology.
In the face of a major stressor, you can begin to feel just as you did before you started working out: unable to make something happen. It's at these times when you may be vulnerable to depression. If negative thoughts or a depressed mood become more frequent, more intense or last longer than usual, it's important to seek professional help. Studies have shown that a combination of exercise and psychotherapy is the best prescription for depression. Like going to the gym, seeking help for depression requires commitment to the process and patience when it comes to seeing results. And just like starting a workout regime, most people feel better right away simply for having taken the first step.
Sure, you believe that you can work through anything by working out. But even the toughest guy should know about some common triggers for depression:
Injury: Since working out is part of your coping strategy, routine, identity and even your social network, a physical injury can be a real mental setback. Furthermore, since exercise can function as an antidepressant, "When you can't exercise you're prevented from getting the physiological improvement in mood," says Hays.
Overtraining: "One of the typical signs of someone who is overtraining is the [his or her] mood gets worse," Hays notes. You may find that you have difficulty concentrating or trouble sleeping, or are irritable. Hays cautions that a "negative spiral" can develop if you attempt to alleviate these symptoms by training even more.
Personal loss: A sudden or tragic event can alter your routine, your resources and ultimately your mood.
Family history of depression: According to Hays, you can decrease your risk of developing depression by working out, but exercise "doesn't prevent depression from happening."
Chronic negative perceptions: Athletes who respond negatively in the face of stressors are at risk of depression. Not seeing desired results in the gym? Depression can set in if you interpret the setback negatively. Tell yourself, "If I haven't set realistic goals", instead of, "I'm weak".
There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health, cardiac fitness, cancer, yoga, how to overcome certain ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stoke, and tips on weight loss and how to grow taller, with many other ideas getting honorable mention. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: Balanced Lifestyle Wikipedia.

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Tony Robbins: How to Become More Disciplined (MUST WATCH)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Your Inner Guidance Knows

Success in your business always comes back to the point of origin... which is you.
You're responsible for being the creator of all things and experiences in your life, which means that everything is personal. Everything you experience in your life is simply a reflection of you. This is the reason (and it's a good one!) that so many folks are investigating what they can change about their inner world to make a greater impact in their outer world.
My entire business is based on assisting people to change their thoughts, focus, habits, and actions to serve them in a more positive way. I have my own coaches that I rely on for uncovering and discovering how I can experience more peace and joy in everything I do.
With all of that said, it takes more than a coach, book, or seminar to have the best experience possible in your business.
I'd like to introduce you to the best expert you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. This would be your Inner Guidance. I also refer to it as your Inner Business Expert.
It's the highest evolved part of you. You may have already met this part of you in a roundabout way. When you feel guided to do something on a whim and it turns out to be a great decision... that was the handiwork of your Inner Guidance.
You may have marveled at how wonderful your intuition is, and again, that is your Inner Guidance. Here is the really cool thing about your Inner Guidance: it goes beyond intuition and hunches. It is the guru of gurus on all business topics. 
It literally has all the information you'll ever need to guide you to exactly where you want to go and how you want to feel. And it's available to you at all times.
With practice and focus, you can develop a relationship with your Inner Guidance that will prove to be your most trustworthy source for making all decisions in your business and personal life. It'll also allow you to feel a new level of security, clarity, inspiration, creativity, and peace.
Your Inner Guidance can assist you with your business, health, real estate decisions, investments of all types, relationships, solutions to any problem, and so much more.
When you are tapped into this guidance on a daily basis, you will begin feeling more energy and joy. It's like having a genie in the bottle except you'll receive an unlimited number of wishes!
And your Inner Guidance will also guide you to the best people to support you in growing a 5-star business... including coaches, mentors, webmasters, admin support, and everything else you could ever want!
High-five to the best business partner you'll ever have.
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD "Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader" for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:

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WILL TO WIN - Motivational Video

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Do You Really Want to Say No to This Opportunity?

Many of us will have been offered opportunities that promised to take us out of our comfort zone. They may have included meeting new people, taking on tasks we felt ill-equipped to tackle, going to unfamiliar places, doing something rather daunting.
When faced with such a request we have to decide, 'do I do it, yes or no?'. Our immediate gut reaction may be to play safe and walk away from the stress of doing something new and challenging. But the fundamental question we need to ask ourselves at those times is, what happens if I decline, how will I feel about myself, do I really want to say no to this opportunity?
- Fear and panic can run a destructive path through our emotions, bringing with it a terrified voice that asks, 'what if I make a fool of myself', 'what if I freeze or can't do it?' Often though we're not stranded all alone in a scary, confusing situation. Assistance may be available in the form of friends or colleagues, who are often happy to provide help, support and guidance. If we have a conversation at the outset to discuss our concerns there are often positive ways to make the new opportunity work out well and bring many associated benefits, lessons and outcomes.
- Often too, there can be a 'should' or 'ought' narrative running in the background, compounding the pressure to follow other people's suggestions and do what they've advised. Pressure can come from family, friends, colleagues who may enjoy the opportunity to live vicariously through us, watching us undertake things they'd perhaps never do themselves.
- Determining what is the best, most honest path for us to follow can be a hard exercise. It's great to stretch ourselves and have a go, extend ourselves, maybe even scare ourselves a little, but we need to be clear about our motivation, rationale and ultimate goals.
- Yes, we can all say 'no' and revert back to normality, back to the status quo, but is that really as appealing and comfortable as it's cracked up to be. Don't you find that your comfort zone decreases in size the longer you spend in it? Sometimes taking a leap of faith and having a go, no matter what the outcome might be, can be invigorating and life-enhancing. It can re-ignite our enthusiasm to try something new, take on a challenge and learn a different skill, take a chance in another direction.
- Failure or lack of immediate success can be viewed in many different ways. You may initially not achieve as good a result as you would like but by whetting your appetite, dipping your toe in the water you may find that you earn the respect of others, improve your confidence and build your self-esteem. When others are aware that you're trying and having a go, taking a chance they will often see you in a better light and may even offer to mentor, support and encourage you along the way.
- More importantly, ask yourself how will you feel afterwards if you turn down an opportunity and say 'no'? Yes, you've played safe, avoided the stress and panic, not risked failure or a setback, but surely it's also disappointing to avoid risk and stay safely within your skill sets. Often when we've undertaken something daunting and new we come away feeling rather pleased with ourselves, even when things don't work out wonderfully well. We didn't shirk the chance and instead knuckled down and gave it our best shot. We may even congratulate ourselves on our bravery and courage, giving us something to be proud of.
But ultimately it is your right to say 'no'. If you really feel that you can't face what is being asked of you, then say so, clearly and without apology either to others or yourself. If this opportunity is meant to be a part of your life then it will present itself again, hopefully with more auspicious timing, perhaps in a different form. By then you'll be feeling better equipped, more positive and ready to give it a go. Check what your internal reasons are and then decide if you really want to say no to this opportunity.
Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.
She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.
To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

10 Little Steps to Happiness

What is happiness? Happiness doesn't mean being joyful or laughing all day long. Although happiness should be defined by each of us for ourselves, a general understanding of it could be having more good moments and memories than bad ones and having an overall feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. So, how can we have more happy moments?
  1. Give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to be happy. Many of us have the impression that we're not allowed to be happy, that we don't deserve it. Well, we're all WRONG! We ALL deserve to be happy, no matter what others say or even what we believe. And if you look deep inside you, you'll feel it in your gut. I am right. You DO deserve to be happy. So give yourself permission to be. Start enjoying that freedom. YOU CAN BE HAPPY.
  2. Smile... even if you don't feel like it. Yes, smile as often as you can. If you are with people, they'll feel warmer and respond likewise. If you're alone, smile for at least 3 minutes and your brain will take it as a real smile and will start producing feel-good hormones and other chemicals.
  3. Enjoy the now. Feeling bad about the past will not change it a bit and worrying about the future will not make you any more ready for whatever it is that finally happens. Hopelessness lives in the past, fear in the future. Choose the now and make an effort to live it. Only in the now can you truly be free.
  4. Like yourself. Make a list of everything you like in yourself, no matter how small or big and remind yourself of all those traits a few times each day.
  5. Love yourself. Every night, when you go to bed, devote a few minutes to just feel love for yourself. Thank yourself for anything good you did during the day and let the warmth of love fill you up. If that's too hard, close your eyes and look for the little child you once were and who still lives inside you and shower that kid with your love.
  6. Flip it around. Somebody tells you something or does something you don't like? You might get angry, upset or feel ill-treated. Or you might turn it around by being original and choosing to interpret it as a wakeup call or as a funny situation. They called you something... choose to find it funny instead of offensive. They push you, ignore you or even talk about you... choose to consider it just a reminder that we are all humans and, as such, make mistakes. Love the humanity in those who upset you.
  7. Dare yourself. Early in the morning dare yourself to do something unexpected or different throughout the day. Choose the action in the morning so you have the whole day to find the right moment to do it. You don't need to think of very difficult or adventurous plans but just something you wouldn't usually do, like going to a certain store or eating a new type of food.
  8. Share love. Say something loving to one person (or more) today. You can say it out loud or in writing. You can even draw it or sing it.
  9. Try new words. Are you one of those who often uses words such us... 'can't', 'don't know', 'never'... ? Why don't you try to use some easier ones like: 'don't feel like', 'would like to learn' or 'not in the habit of'... ? Or choose a positive or happy word you want to use today and try and apply it as often as you can. Be brave and imaginative with your words.
  10. Count your blessings. Take a piece of paper and something you like to drink and sit comfortably maybe with some nice music in the background. Then write. Write a list of all and every blessing in your life. Start with the smallest ones: I'm alive... to the biggest ones you can feel. Don't leave anything out. Once you're done, leave the list on the table. Read it every morning during breakfast for a week.
Enjoy life... ALL of it,
Humanology More information on my YouTube channel as well:

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Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Stay Positive When You're Unemployed

1) Keep a gratitude journal
When you're faced with the fear of not being able to support yourself, or potentially your family, it's easy to get caught up in looking at what you don't have: you don't have an income, you don't have quality food, you can't pay the bills and you're drinking lemonade instead of champagne.
It's entirely understandable, but lethal, to focus on what you are without. You'll feel like a failure, which will prevent you from selling yourself as a winner on application forms and in interviews. You can spin this.
A wealth of psychological research shows that gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. Billionaire Oprah Winfrey has famously kept a gratitude journal since she was young. It's a simple, but transformational concept.
At the end of every day, you write down what happened to make you thankful. Did somebody hold a door open for you? Was your bill a little less expensive than you anticipated? Did your child do something beautiful?
No matter how tough your day was, you can always find something to appreciate. In your bleakest moments, you might find yourself simply writing "I am grateful that my sister let me use her shower" or even "I am still alive." It's in those moments that you'll truly understand the value of gratitude.
2) Treat it like it's your job
You're not unemployed. Your job is to get a job. It's probably the worst pay you've ever had, but if you work hard you'll be rewarded with skills in patience, persistence and, eventually, employment.
Imagine your new boss in a sleek suit, shaking your hand firmly and looking down at you. Would that boss be okay with you, pyjama-clad, strolling into the office at 11am, getting comfortable in front of the computer and opening YouTube?
Right now, you are your own boss. That means you have to get to the office at 9am every day. It means you have to work at polishing your CV, get advice from recruitment agencies, apply for jobs, maybe even practise your special skills or read up on how to improve your application forms and interview techniques.
Take an hour for your lunch, if you would do at work. Finish at the same time as you would do at work. Take weekends off.
This not only helps you get into a routine, but it stops you from feeling lazy and helps you keep track of how much effort you are putting into the job hunt.
3) Take breaks
I don't just mean take fifteen minutes to have a cup of tea (although I don't know what a cup of tea can't cure). I mean take a mental break. When you're faced with constant rejection and a lack of feedback, your motivation can plummet. You only have your own voice to listen to and, after a while, it might start saying "You can't do it", "You keep failing", "You're not as good as the other candidates" or worst of all "You'll never get a job."
What would your best friend say if they heard you talking about yourself like that? If they would say, "Your amazing because you keep trying" or "You're getting closer to the goal with each day, each application form and each interview so don't worry", you've chosen a good friend. Catch yourself when you are mentally beating yourself up. Take a break. Breathe. Tell yourself exactly what that good friend would tell you. Then say it out loud.
Self-motivation is incredibly important for success. It's the spark that will get that application started, that phone call made or that CV written.
4) Talk about it. 
Bear in mind, 'talk' doesn't mean 'whine.' Moping is okay in small, infrequent doses but it's also something you just have to break through.
Share your experience with someone you trust. Have your friends or family members ever been unemployed? Ask them about it. How did they feel? What did they do to overcome it? Absorb all the advice you can and use it for yourself. You might (or might not) be surprised by how many people have been in a position similar to yours. This is not only the age of redundancy, but the age of people who feel freer to regularly change jobs and chase dream careers.
5) The Golden Rule: Never Give Up
You are not going to remain unemployed for ten years. It's not going to happen unless you work exceptionally hard at being unemployed or have unresolved psychological or physical issues blocking your way.
It might take months, it might take longer than a year, it might not be your dream job, but you are inevitably going to be employed. You are going to be financially supported somehow during your unemployment whether that be by savings, a parent, the government, a spouse or friend. There is always a way for you to get help. It can be agonisingly difficult and you might learn lessons about your pride, but it can be done.
I recently met a successful, vibrantly happy man who has a history of unemployment. When he was homeless, he had every right to dwell on this pain and fear. Instead, he used the golden rule to weather him through his storm. He had been employed before and knew he could do it again. He had recovered from an addiction and, because of that, knew he was strong enough to recover from homelessness. He had many more years of life ahead so he could try again. And again. And again.
You'll only get there if you try. Be gentle with yourself and never give up.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Success and Happiness Are Not the Same

As we grow up, we're told that reaching goals, specially the highest ones, will bring us happiness. Get the best grades, graduate from the best university, obtain the best jobs... And we launch ourselves to the task at hand. But let's now look back. How many of you REALLY felt happy while doing all that? How many of you felt relief instead of happiness? How many of you TRULY felt satisfied upon getting the best grades, graduating from university and obtaining the best jobs? How long did you feel that satisfaction?
We reach one goal to immediately set the next one in a never-ending race to always get the best and grandest. We want to succeed. We want to reach the top. But let's not fool ourselves. That has nothing to do with happiness, does it? The journey to those goals is most often not a very pleasant one: the long hours, the accumulated stress, the demands on our health and time... We invest so much of ourselves that there's nothing left to enjoy.
And what about reaching the top? What top? There's always another top upon the last one, isn't there? It's just never enough.
And still the world insists on selling us the idea that success equals happiness.
Truly happy people, on the other hand, consider themselves successful just the way they are; it couldn't be any other way, as it would mean lacking something and thus, by definition, feeling unhappy. They don't need to join the constant race for the best and the greatest. Depending on their personal definition of happiness, enjoying life and feeling content and satisfied might already represent success to them.
Some people include success into their definition of happiness, true. That's their choice. Happiness is a very subjective concept. The only question they then need to answer is how successful they need to be to consider themselves successful enough and thus happy.
So let's start calling things by their correct names. Success is one thing. Happiness is something else. And they don't necessarily come together.
Next time somebody tells you that in order to be happy you need to be successful, ask yourself what it is that YOU want from life. After all, you're the only one who can answer that question. And if the answer is to be successful, by all means, go for it. But don't pretend to be pursuing happiness. Be honest to yourself.
And whatever you do, enjoy life, ALL of it,
Discover humanology, optimism coaching, personal essence and much more

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